Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Audriana!

Sunday morning around 4:30 AM I woke up with contractions about 10-20 minutes apart, I thought, FINALLY! They did get more intense throughout the day and finally around 7 PM or so they were 5-7 minutes apart so we headed to the hospital... With my luck, I had bad contraction in the ER waiting for the charge nurse to take me to Labor & Delivery-- and that was the last we saw of contractions while we were at the hospital that night! Ugh, I was so frustrated!! Almost as soon as I got home they started back up again, but once again nearly twenty minutes apart.

Throughout the day on Monday my contractions were closer but never the 3-5 minutes apart they want you to entirely have before heading into L&D. Sometime in the evening it reached the 3-5 timing and we headed back to St. Francis (round 2...) Once there they hooked me up to monitors to keep track of the contractions and baby's heart rate. My Dr was on call and she had me hooked up to an IV and they gave me a pain medicine... not sure which one... but it wasn't any less than about five minutes before I asked if the medicine was supposed to put me to sleep--- because I was about to just pass out! When I woke up a couple of hours later my contractions had slowed again but the nurse had said they would probably keep me over night-- but about fifteen minutes after said Dr. Hicks would rather discharge me so I could get something to eat and sleep in my own bed. We left the hospital around 7- Ran to my aunt Debbie's since she had stuff for the baby, and went home. Around 8:30 my contractions were once again close together but I had decided to wait it out a little longer so I wouldn't get to the hospital and get sent home again!!

From 11 PM-1 AM the contractions were only getting worse so we went to the hospital, same routine-- IV & Pain med-- SLEEP... slowing of contractions... FUSTRATION! Around 7 AM Dr. Hicks came in to check on me and stated they would probably send me home... but when she checked to see if I had finally dilated she was shocked I was at 4CM. She decided then & there to just go ahead and break my water. About an hour later I had an epidural. Sadly it didn't work as well as I thought it was supposed to. Apparently, it only takes away "pain" not "pressure" -- sucks when your pain is the pressure!! They came in and gave me an extra dose of the epidural and after that all I fully remember is crying, and breathing- Time went by so fast I didn't know what time it was.

Around 11:15 AM I told the nurse I felt like I needed to push and she checked me and said I was only at an 8CM- about five minutes later I stated I HAD to push. She checked again and was like... okay. Let me get the Dr -- The nurse started to let me push but kept making me stop, or trying- because I couldn't stop. After a few minutes the four nurses in the room started asking where the Dr. was -- Well, it would have been nice if one of the four would have told her!!

Thankfully my dry rushed in and I heard her say "I told you if you see a head to call me, do you see a head? I'm in regular clothes and still have to get changed!" About a minute later she was back, had me push - and trust me- I did... Out came baby and I remember Michael telling me to push again and I just said "No, I'm done" and a few seconds later they laid Audriana on me! Michael didn't even know I had had her yet!! After about two or three minutes the nurses took her away to get her cleaned up - Michael got a few videos of Audriana being cleaned and taken care of in the L&D room.

Minutes after she was born a nurse came to me and told me they would have to take her to the nursery right away, she was having trouble breathing - She was inhaling perfectly but was having trouble exhaling. In the videos I later was able to see and hear what they had meant.

All together I was in labor for only three hours and fifty-three (four?) minutes. My Dr. was very impressed that I had my beautiful baby girl so quickly - only two weeks before we thought I would have to have a C-section - and she was really impressed at how fast I actually had her, I was pinned as one that would be in labor for the entire day.

Around 1:20 PM I finally got my baby back. Around the same time Michael's mom had come to visit so the two of them went to get lunch while I fed my precious baby girl and spent time with her. Not too long after Granny Parker, Christie, and Stacy had all come to visit-- annnd the nurses took Audriana away for a bath! Around 4:30 they brought her back and also decided to move me out of L&D and into my room.

It was an eventful day and I love my baby girl more than ANYTHING in this world. She is such a well behaved baby. She sleeps, eats, poops, and keeps the crying at the minimum! She even sleeps through the vacuum and makes the cutest faces!

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